How To Tell the Difference Between
AD/HD and Dyslexia

Unit 1 - 30 Minutes
Unit 2 - 47 Minutes

Parents, specialists, tutors, and educators

Beginner to Intermediate
Being able to differentiate between AD/HD and dyslexia is a critical skill for parents, specialists, tutors and educators. Because of what we now have confirmed through fMRI studies (brain studies), we know that each learning challenge must be treated differently...and effective planning is necessary whether your child or student is at school, home or with their tutor.

Because of what we know about how our brains are wired, we can make very powerful choices about how to support our kids very early on in their school years. Issues with AD/HD and/or dyslexia are clearly a result of specific, different neural pathways in the brain. That means we are better equipped to tailor our remediation plans directly to the issues your child or student is exhibiting.

It ends up being an act of kindness as well...because we can save our children from years of frustration, pain and confusion.
In Part One of this course, you will learn:

➤ The latest information about the evolving definition of dyslexia, including the meaning of Rapid Automatic Naming

➤ The current understanding of which specific neural pathways are impacted in people with dyslexia and AD/HD

➤ Updated information regarding the DSM-V and how AD/HD is defined. What's missing?

In Part Two of this course, you will learn:

➤ How to use test scores and clinical information to differentiate when you're seeing dyslexia versus AD/HD

➤ How to interpret information about very specific cognitive processes that are directly related to measurable activity in specific neural pathways

➤ How to use that information to drive your decision making about proper remediation, accommodation and support
About Michael Hart, Ph. D.

Michael Hart, Ph.D. trained as a psychologist and served in a clinical capacity for many years. Currently, he is the founder/owner of and provides webinars, online courses and onsite presentations/training for parents, educators and specialists regarding the proper educational care of our dyslexic students.

Michael is also the co-chair of the UNESCO MGIEP advisory committee for a large-scale literacy development project in India.  The Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Education for Peace and Sustainable Development (MGIEP) was established by the Government of India. MGIEP is an integral part of UNESCO and the organization’s specialist institute on education for peace and sustainable development to foster global citizenship.

In addition, Dr. Hart also serves as a subject matter expert for, one of the largest repositories of information about learning disabilities in the world.

Prior to his current role, Dr. Hart served as a clinical psychologist, educational administrator and expert witness for learning disabled students in various settings including pediatric inpatient psychiatry, outpatient psychiatry, private practice and K-12 school settings. During his practice, he administered the full spectrum of psychological tests, behavioral assessment tools, affective inventories, projective tests, academic achievement tests and behavioral interviews.  His experience spans from infants to adults and he has conducted approximately 1000 evaluations.
